Business Sponsor
The Triple A Booster Club is a non-profit organization funding all aspects of extra-curricular activities at Lake of the Woods school. Founded in 1998, it has been the Triple A Booster’s mission to assist our school by providing opportunities for student development in Academics, Arts & Athletics.
For the past few years with your help, Triple A has been successful in providing funds for the following:
• Graduate scholarships through Dollars for Scholars
• Senior banners on city street lights
• Sponsoring an All-State Choir attendee
• Post Prom Donations
• Tailgating celebrations at local high school sporting events
• Helping fund a new and improved timing system for LOTW track and field
• Funding t-shirts for the band and choir trip
As in recent years, due to auditing requirements, Triple A will continue to be the main program handling funds associated with school organizations. Our goal is to build membership to better our involvement in the needs of school activities and the community. We would love to see a representative form your business at our monthly meetings which are the third Wednesday of each month at 5 p.m in the Lake of the Woods School Commons!
As a community, we need your help to sustain academic and extra-curricular excellence at Lake of the Woods Schools. Please make this your BEST GIFT OF THE YEAR!
Please sponsor the Triple A Booster Club for the 2023-24 School year.
Go Bears! Sponsorship – $500+ annual donation
Includes logo display advertising in all school event programs Fall 2023 through Spring 2024, as well as sponsor listing on Baudette Booster’s website, annual media listing in the Northern Light Region as an official sponsor of the Triple A Booster Club, and 1 yearly Lake fo the Woods School athletic pass.
Maroon! Sponsorship – $400 annual donation
Includes logo display advertising in all school event programs Fall 2023 through Spring 2024 as well as sponsor listing on Baudette Booster’s website, annual media listing in the NOrthern Light Region as an official sponsor of the Triple A Booster Club.
Gold! Sponsorship – $300 annual donation
Includes logo display advertising in all school event programs Fall 2023 through Spring 2024 as well as sponsor listing on Baudette Booster’s website.